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People First of Arizona
since 1996

11226 Bannock St

Phoenix, AZ 85044

Phone: 602-336-8539


Website: http://Facebook page

Contact(s): John Britton

Additional information:

Number of Active Members:

Reason(s) the Group Meets:
Political, Social, Personal Skills

Board of Directors:

Receives Support From:
Projects members

Mission/Vision Statement:
People First of Arizona is a self-advocacy movement by and for people with disabilities offering experience through participation. We value Self Advocacy, Leadership & Personal Goals People using People First language (seeing the person first- not the disability) Participating fully in the community (living, working, and playing) Having control & choices in our services, supports and in our lives Everyone knowing their rights & having personal responsibility in their life Having fun while we learn.

Typical Activities:
very focused on self-advocacy, Does training of youth and adults throughout the state.

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