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Maine Autism Collective
since 2018

Portland, ME 04102

Phone: 207/400-5432


Contact(s): Meg Dyke

Additional information:

Number of Active Members:

Reason(s) the Group Meets:
Social, Personal Skills

Products or Services Offered:
Mentoring, peer-support, service provider & caregiver education

Board of Directors:

Mission/Vision Statement:
Maine Autism Collective connects a diverse group of self-advocates with friends, family members, and service providers. Our members work to create a collaborative community supporting and celebrating the Autistic community in Maine by: -Empowering individuals to become strong self-advocates -Mentoring and supporting the Autistic community internally -Sharing experiences, information, and resources -Educating the public to promote understanding and community inclusion -Advocating for social justice and human rights Maine Autism Collective strives for Autistic acceptance, understanding, and community inclusion both locally and globally.

Typical Activities:
Bi-weekly advocacy meetings, plans for upcoming social events & disability related movie screenings, trainings & panel discussions, etc.

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