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Self-Advocates Leading Together (SALT)
since 2011

12265 Drake St NW

Coon Rapids, MN 55448

Phone: 763-443-4274


Contact(s): Kathy Sanders

Additional information:

Number of Active Members:

Reason(s) the Group Meets:
Political, Social, Personal Skills

Board of Directors:

Receives Support From:
Members, fundraising and donations

Mission/Vision Statement:
No specific Mission as of yet (working on it), but this is what we filed with the state regarding our purpose: The purpose of this corporation is: - to provide a space to learn, gain insights and knowledge on individual rights and responsibilities; - to develop leadership skills; - to discuss opportunities to be involved in policy and decision making and the community at large.

Typical Activities:
Our group began as Advocates Aces Self-Advocacy Group in 2011, we added another group called the Believers of Self-Advocacy Group in 2013. In 2017, the two groups worked together and decided to combine the group and become Self-Advocates Leading Together and work on getting our non-profit status. To date, we have received our Certificate of Incorporation from the State of Minnesota and are working on getting our 501 (c)(3) status and a Board of Directors.

At our bi-weekly meetings we talk about all kinds of things related to disability and self-advocacy including speakers (transportation, employment, legislation, voting and anti-bullying, learning about self-advocacy and leadership,meeting with legislators, fundraising (popcorn, bowl-a-thon) & events (Halloween Party, Picnic, Holiday Party). Recently, we have been asked to do an hour and a half training for the Partners in Policymaking Program through the Governor's Council on Developmental Disabilities and will be participating in the Anoka CTIC Resource Fair.

Self-Advocates Leading Together group is run by and for self-advocates... it is YOUR group. When you come into the group, you get:
- support from your peers;
- to talk about your life experiences;
- to share with each other;
- to meet old and make new friends!

You will gain confidence to speak up for yourself and others. Your opinion counts.
You will meet informative speakers and you will have fun!

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