People First of Weld County
PO Box 352
Ault, CO 80610
Phone: (970) 39-1182
Contact(s): Advisor: Deb Newsom
Additional information:
Number of Active Members:
Reason(s) the Group Meets:
Political, Social, Personal Skills
Products or Services Offered:
Members work to improve their skills in leadership, learn about their rights and responsibilities, and work on legislation that will help to improve their quality of life.
Board of Directors:
Receives Support From:
We are a non profit organization. Funding for our activities is provided through our membership fees, fundraisers, and attendance fees for activities.
Mission/Vision Statement:
The mission of People First is to help empower all people who have disabilities. Our goal is to work with people in the community to help them understand, support and respect the rights of all people who have disabilities.
Typical Activities:
Monthly meetings, social activities in the community and a monthly dance are just a few of our activities. Once a year we put on a talent show for our members and community participants.