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Helping People Self Advocacy
since 1995

4th Corporation

120 11th St.

New Rockford, ND 58356

Phone: 701-947-2147

Contact(s): Pat Grosser (Pres) , Rachel Holzwarth, Lori Fjeldal & Tom Hartl (Advs)

Additional information:

Number of Active Members:

Reason(s) the Group Meets:
Political, Social, Personal Skills

Products or Services Offered:
We do Terracycling recycling and Adopt-A-Highway services as well as fund-raising for community projects.

Board of Directors:

Receives Support From:
4th Corporation

Mission/Vision Statement:
To help members become active participants and develop relationships in their communities.

Typical Activities:
This is a group that focuses on learning about people's rights and responsibilities as well as social inclusion.

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