People On the Go of Marylandsince 1989
7000 Tudsbury Road
Baltimore, MD 21244
Contact(s): Tami Goldsmith
Additional information:
Number of Active Members:
Reason(s) the Group Meets:
Political, Personal Skills
Products or Services Offered:
Self-advocacy Training, Mentorship, Leadership skill development, Needs assessments and evaluation tools, Grade school and college presentations, legislative platform development and legislative policy education
Board of Directors:
Receives Support From:
Developmental Disabilities Council, Maryland Center for Developmental Disabilities and various partnership grant funding
Mission/Vision Statement:
People On the Go (POG) is a group of advocates with intellectual and developmental challenges who use our voices to be heard and recognized. We believe all people should be active participants in their communities and we strive to eliminate discrimination. We began in 1989, as the Maryland statewide self-advocacy group. Maryland currently has at least 10 active local county groups, but it is the goal to have one in every county.
Typical Activities:
Quarterly Meetings held in different parts of the state, monthly Board of Director meetings, Legislative advocacy work in Annapolis during legislative session, grade school and college presentations