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The Arc of Blackstone Valley (Citizens with Power)
since 1990

500 Prospect Street

Pawtucket, RI 02860

Phone: 401-723-6753



Contact(s): Lisa Silveira/Joseph Blanchard

Additional information:

Number of Active Members:

Reason(s) the Group Meets:
Social, Personal Skills

Board of Directors:

Receives Support From:
The Arc of Blackstone Valley

Mission/Vision Statement:
We are a local self-advocacy group for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities who live in the Blackstone Valley and nearby areas. The Arc of Blackstone Valley's Mission: Live, Learn, Work, Play and give people with developmental disabilities a chance to get together, share information and learn from each other's experiences.

Typical Activities:
Explore topics and services that are available for people with developmental disabilities. Guest speakers that can present topics that effect their lives. Pot luck dinner where the group can socialize.

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