People First of Alaskasince 2004
Anchorage, AK 99508
Phone: 907-264-6236
Contact(s): Carl Evertsbusch
Additional information:
Number of Active Members:
Statewide Organization
Reason(s) the Group Meets:
Political, Social, Personal Skills
Board of Directors:
Typical Activities:
Anchorage has been organized 20+ years. In 2004, we became a statewide organization, adding Fairbanks, and Kenai-Soldotna-Homer. I have to explain our geography so you can make this clear in your report, if necessary. If a map of Alaska were superimposed on a map of the lower 48 states, it would reach from coast to coast and from Mexico to the Canadian Border. Alaska's mass equals 1/5th the size of the continental 48. We have 363 communities, most of which are not on the road system, meaning you can reach them only by plane, boat, or dogsled. Snowmobiles come in handy, too. So with that in mind, Anchorage is the largest community, with almost half the population of the entire state. It, along with Fairbanks, Kenai, Soldotna,and Homer, are on the road system. Fairbanks is about 400 road miles north of Anchorage. Kenai and Soldotna, neighboring communities, are about 180 miles south, and Homer is another 120 miles past them.