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People First of The Panhandle
since 2015

375 O Street

Apt. #4

Gering, NE 69341

Contact(s): Kendra Noller-Reed

Additional information:

Reason(s) the Group Meets:
Social, Personal Skills

Products or Services Offered:
People First is committed to being the #1 disability advocacy organization in Nebraska! We provide people and groups with information and training opportunities on many different issues and topics.

Board of Directors:

Mission/Vision Statement:
It is the mission of People First of Nebraska to EMPOWER, TRAIN, and ADVANCE ADVOCACY so that People First and all people with disabilities are able to SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES. People First of Nebraska acknowledge our RIGHTS and RESPONSIBILITIES as respected and valued MEMBERS OF OUR COMMUNITIES. People First of Nebraska SUPPORTS OUR LOCAL CHAPTERS so we can become a bigger, better organization as a whole.

Typical Activities:
Local chapters meet to learn from each other and practice our advocacy skills. We volunteer to give back to our communities. We tell our elected officials what is important to us.

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